SPRA-RITE™ Lubrication Management System
LUBRICATION SPRAY APPLICATION AND DATA COLLECTION SYSTEMManage your lubrication process through an online, digital lubrication system management & tracking software that gathers information on lubricant flow for each nozzle from start to finish. The digital system serves as your lube application command center to set spray perimeters, then it will amass certain statistics on usage for each sprayer by time period. The information can then be downloaded to your PC real time for critical analysis and accurate adjustments to your process. Through enhanced lubrication management – less waste, lower usage, more efficiency, you become a more sustainable company and are able to lower your ESG rating.
The Spra-Rite Advantage System Features
- Improves part quality by ensured lubrication in critical zones
- Lowers lubricant expenses by reducing excessive usage
- Proper lubrication safeguards against expensive tooling damage
- Safer environment by cleaner floors and work areas
- Less waste haul costs
- Creates a predictive, not reactive, maintenance schedule